Non-profit organisations


We participate in drawing up legislation and its subsequent application, thereby shaping procedures, methodologies and examples.


We can advise on how to prepare accounting records correctly and report openly in financial statements and annual reports.


We answer questions (for free!) from non-profit organisations, their accountants, tax specialists and auditors – we want everyone to do their very best!

We cooperate extensively with non-governmental NPOs, providing accounting and tax services (bookkeeping, preparing and filing income tax returns, financial management, etc.), as well as auditing and other professional services, e.g. personal data protection for GDPR compliance. View the types of clients we’ve worked with.

Services often provided to NPOs

  • Accounting – we keep accounts according to the specific needs of the non-profit organisation, such as a cost centre and contract-based and activity-based models. Accounting is usually performed within our own software, but the client’s software can be used instead upon request. 
  • Taxes – our team manages the applicable tax agenda, taking responsibility for and acting on behalf of the NPO on the basis of a power of attorney. We process and file tax claims; if necessary, it is us that the tax authority gets in touch with. In the case of NPOs, it is important to assess the exact activities carried out and classify transactions as per VAT requirements, in addition to assessing the obligations of a VAT payer or identified person; the latter occurs, for example, when receiving services from abroad.
  • Audit – we audit non-profit organisations’ financial statements, including annual reports, as well as projects financed or co-financed from public budgets (e.g. state/EU budgets), along with how co-funding from a foundation or other types of funding received without consideration are used.
  • Financial management services – our staff carry out budgeting and cost monitoring, the allocation of costs to projects and accounting for grants/donations, and more besides.
  • Implementing GDPR – we bring the organisation into compliance with the EU data protection directive (GDPR). We can provide the service of a Data Protection Officer as per GDPR requirements.
  • Education & Training – our experienced trainers run seminars/workshops on selected topics in accounting, tax, GDPR, etc.

Other progressive efforts by us in the field

  • Membership of the Methodological Council for Non-Profit Organisations of the Association of Accountants (Svaz účetních);
  • Membership of the Public Sector Committee of the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic;
  • Membership of the Legislative and Finance Committee of the Czech Government Council for Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organisations
  • Membership of the Council for Reliability Assessment of Non-Profit Organisations of the Association of Public Benefit Organisations of the Czech Republic
  • Experts called upon for advisory services: Wolters Kluwer and Verlag Dashofer
  • Publishing technical articles in periodicals; for example: Auditor, Metodické aktuality Svazu účetních (Methodological Reports by the Association of Accountants), Bulletin Komory certifikovaných účetních (Bulletin of the Chamber of Certified Accountants), Účetnictví neziskového sektoru (Accounting in the Non-Profit Sector) – published by Wolters Kluwer.

What members of the team specialise in matters for non-profit organisations?

Miroslava Nebuželská

auditor; accounting expert; ACCA; CISA; CEO & senior executive; a specialist in auditing, accounting, taxation, business valuations and managerial economics

Jan Černý

auditor; a specialist in auditing, accounting, tax and managerial economics

Vít Vagner

daňový poradce, CFO, odborník v účetnictví a ekonomickém řízení

Who do we work with?

Non-governmental non-profit organisations

  • Foundations, endowment institutes
  • Societies, unions, associations, incl. associations of legal entities
  • Registered institutes, public benefit corporations
  • Church organisations – primary organisations, unions, special purpose institutions (diaconates/charities)
  • Public research institutions, public tertiary educational facilities, school legal entities
  • Political movements
  • Hunting communities

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