

Let us handle your tax obligations, including communication with tax officers, so you have complete peace of mind.


Our team members are not know-it-alls, but have the know-how and experience to find solutions, recommend a course of action and stand behind it.


With the aid of reliable international partners, we’re capable of supporting your endeavours in foreign countries.

Leave communication with the tax office to us. We take full responsibility and provide clients with complete representation in connection with tax and customs authorities. Our team observes deadlines and prepares and files tax returns. Where necessary, the tax office contacts us, easing the burden of your daily duties. 

View the types of clients we’ve worked with.

What tasks do we perform in relation to taxes? 

  • We process tax returns – income tax, VAT for payers and identified persons, check reports and deal with road tax, property tax, Intrastat, etc. Any and all questions, additions and objections are resolved by us with the tax offices or other bodies. We actively manage tax procedures required by the tax authority.
  • Our team continuously monitor your tax duties. A one-off check is conducted, followed by recommendations of specific actions in response to findings.
  • Tax duties are planned with you, the client, optimising your tax burden; e.g. formulation of appropriate tax structures.
  • We perform transfer pricing calculations and prepare complete transfer pricing dossiers – both the master file and specific documents. 
  • Assistance is provided in obtaining employment cards and residence permits for foreign employees.
  • Due diligence is assured in relation to taxes, especially in acquisitions. 
  • We secure the opinion of a tax advisor in writing on taxation matters and queries. 

What we can advise you about 

  • Consultation is given on the threshold for taxation deductibility in connection with tax-related expenses for income tax purposes, the timing and amount of reduction in the tax base, and what tax deductions can be applied.
  • We handle aspects such as reduction in VAT in the case of activities other than business operations, application of a coefficient in instances of exempt income, VAT reimbursement when the purpose of a building is changed, and much more besides. 
  • Consultancy is given on issues such as employment of Czech/EU citizens as well as other than EU citizens, including tax residency and applicability of social security and health insurance schemes or perks suitable for remote workers and the tax implications of specific ones.
  • Consultancy is available on aspects of permanent establishments and double taxation. We can make recommendations about specific cases of cross-border transactions and potentially taxable income in different countries. 
  • Advice is given to non-profit organisations on what constitutes primary and secondary (business) activities, and how income from activities is taxed for income tax purposes. We help in classifying income in terms of VAT – what is not subject to tax, what is exempt or taxable. We assist in calculating turnover for the purposes of assessing VAT liability.

What members of the team deal with taxes?

Vít Vagner

daňový poradce, CFO, odborník v účetnictví a ekonomickém řízení

Who do we work with?


  • Manufacturing/trading companies, service companies
  • Limited liability companies, joint stock companies, European companies, general partnerships 
  • Independent companies, subsidiaries or parent companies of Czech groups, companies in multinational/international groups, companies listed on the stock exchange
  • Housing/social cooperatives
  • Investment funds
  • Trust funds
  • Natural persons – entrepreneurs

Non-governmental non-profit organisations

  • Foundations, endowment institutes
  • Societies, unions, associations, incl. associations of legal entities
  • Registered institutes, public benefit corporations
  • Church organisations – primary organisations, unions, special purpose institutions (diaconates/charities)
  • Public research institutions, public tertiary educational facilities, school legal entities
  • Political movements
  • Hunting communities

Organisations fully funded/co-funded from public budgets

  • Organisations co-funded from public budgets and established by a municipality/self-governing region/state
  • Towns and municipalities, voluntary associations of municipalities

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