Company transformations


Whether buying or selling, we can give you an estimate of the current value, perform due diligence and arrange the sale process.


When dealing with asset revaluation through a merger or demerger, tax optimisation or organisational change, we can help to make it happen.


We assist with establishing and registering NPOs and subsequent fulfilment of all obligations.

Our team can provide expert valuation reports of companies, which typically detail the values of stocks or shares in the case of an acquisition, merger or demerger. We devise complete transformations of firms, e.g. a merger or demerger of a company, providing clients with various options in accordance with their specific needs. View the types of clients we’ve worked with.

Our experts’ know-how

  • We are able to derive an estimated price of a company, or, as appropriate, either a stake in it or its stocks, as at a given date – the market price of the business. 
  • Expert opinions are prepared on the potential sale or purchase of shares or stocks, or for any other purpose specified by the client.
  • Expert documentation is drawn up on topics such as valuation of spun-off parts of assets – in the event of a demerger by a spin-off procedure, and evaluating assets in the event of a merger when a rise in capital is anticipated. 

We arrange for the process of complete transformation

  • Domestic and cross-border mergers, mergers by consolidation into a parent/subsidiary (where one or multiple companies are dissolved) and mergers by amalgamation when a new company is formed. If a merger leads to a rise in the share capital of the survival company, our experts discern the values of the spun-off assets and assess whether the assets are sufficient for the increase in share capital. The findings of such a valuation are reflected in the company’s accounts, and this fresh valuation of assets (e.g. property) results in a higher value for them.
  • Demergers by a spin-off procedure; demergers by a consolidation with one or multiple existing companies or where one or multiple new companies are formed through the process; and demergers through the act of splitting up where companies continue to exist or new companies are being formed while the company being split up ceases to exist.
  • Transfers of assets to a partner.
  • Changes in the legal form of a business.

We also advise on transactions other than those mentioned above

  • Comprehensive advisory services in capital acquisitions, economic due diligence
  • Arranging the sale of a commercial enterprise or part thereof
  • Advising on the establishment and dissolution of legal entities, including non-profit organisations; ensuring changes in the registration of legal entities
  • Mergers or other transformations of non-profit organisations

What members of the team deliver expert opinions or perform other types of consultancy?

Vít Vagner

daňový poradce, CFO, odborník v účetnictví a ekonomickém řízení

Miroslava Nebuželská

auditor; accounting expert; ACCA; CISA; CEO & senior executive; a specialist in auditing, accounting, taxation, business valuations and managerial economics

Who do we work with?


  • Manufacturing/trading companies, service companies
  • Limited liability companies, joint stock companies, European companies, general partnerships 
  • Independent companies, subsidiaries or parent companies of Czech groups, companies in multinational/international groups, companies listed on the stock exchange
  • Housing/social cooperatives
  • Investment funds
  • Trust funds
  • Natural persons – entrepreneurs

Non-governmental non-profit organisations

  • Foundations, endowment institutes
  • Societies, unions, associations, incl. associations of legal entities
  • Registered institutes, public benefit corporations
  • Church organisations – primary organisations, unions, special purpose institutions (diaconates/charities)
  • Public research institutions, public tertiary educational facilities, school legal entities
  • Political movements
  • Hunting communities

Organisations fully funded/co-funded from public budgets

  • Organisations co-funded from public budgets and established by a municipality/self-governing region/state
  • Towns and municipalities, voluntary associations of municipalities

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