

Drop on by to learn about applying the law in real life.


We would be happy to train your employees on the topic of your choice and in the desired setting.


22HLAV’s experts have appeared at various events - educational and otherwise – put on by other organisations.

Our training and teaching staff educate clients and the public on accounting, taxation, financial and legal matters. We hold a series of seminars at the beginning of the new year on the subject of changes in legislation relating to accounting, taxes and related areas. Instruction is given on how these apply to various types of legal entity, citing examples and case studies. See the list below of the sorts of organisations we’ve run courses for.

Education & Training at 22HLAV

Annually, at the cusp of the outgoing year and the beginning of the new one, a series of seminars is organised by us on the latest legislative matters in connection with accounting, taxes and related fields, also covering their real-world application for various types of legal entity (citing examples and case studies). The lectures are intended for entrepreneurs, especially from a corporate background, as well as those from non-governmental non-profit organisations and entities co-funded or fully-funded by public budgets. Seminars occur variously – as a combination of meetings held online and offline, or solely in person in Prague and Ústí nad Labem, or just online, where a recording of the virtual event is shared afterwards.

View the list of current training courses (in Czech only)

Tailor-made educational classes

Throughout the year our staff hold special seminars, training courses and workshops on requested topics, such as accounting, taxes, economics, personal data protection, and so on. We have trained the employees of companies and organisations on specific topics such as:

  • Taxes and accounting for non-governmental non-profit organisations, with a varied focus and on particular aspects (accounting, income tax, VAT);
  • Deferred taxation (principles, calculation, accounting and recognition) in accordance with Czech accounting regulations and IFRS for corporate entities;
  • Preparing income tax returns (for various entities);
  • Preparing consolidated financial statements (for corporate entities);
  • The financial and economic management of corporate entities.

Third-party training courses

Fancy attending a seminar featuring guest talks by our experienced experts? Here is an events you can register for by various organisers.

What members of the team lead educational courses and training sessions?

Miroslava Nebuželská

auditor; accounting expert; ACCA; CISA; CEO & senior executive; a specialist in auditing, accounting, taxation, business valuations and managerial economics

Who are we educating?


  • Manufacturing/trading companies, service companies
  • Limited liability companies, joint stock companies, European companies, general partnerships 
  • Independent companies, subsidiaries or parent companies of Czech groups, companies in multinational/international groups, companies listed on the stock exchange
  • Housing/social cooperatives
  • Investment funds
  • Trust funds
  • Natural persons – entrepreneurs

Non-governmental non-profit organisations

  • Foundations, endowment institutes
  • Societies, unions, associations, incl. associations of legal entities
  • Registered institutes, public benefit corporations
  • Church organisations – primary organisations, unions, special purpose institutions (diaconates/charities)
  • Public research institutions, public tertiary educational facilities, school legal entities
  • Political movements
  • Hunting communities

Organisations fully funded/co-funded from public budgets

  • Organisations co-funded from public budgets and established by a municipality/self-governing region/state
  • Towns and municipalities, voluntary associations of municipalities

Máte zájem o školení na míru?

Potřebujete další informace nebo nám chcete rovnou poslat poptávku? Obraťte se prosím na náš e-mail info@22hlav.cz nebo využijte náš kontaktní formulář.


Zajímají vás naše ceny?

Ceny služeb stanovujeme individuálně podle odborné a časové náročnosti. Pro konkrétní cenovou nabídku nás prosím kontaktujte, ale pokud chcete mít představu...


Jak se přihlásit?

Semináře pořádáme nejenom pro klienty, ale také pro veřejnost. Aktuálně vypsané události naleznete na našem e-shopu, kde se můžete jednoduše přihlásit.

Contact us

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Zásady ochrany osobních údajů

Zakliknutím zaškrtávacího pole a odesláním vyplněného formuláře souhlasíte se zpracováním vašich údajů společností 22HLAV s.r.o. a 22HLAV EDU s.r.o. za účelem vyžádaného poradenství. Máte právo souhlas odvolat a dále máte práva na přístup k údajům, jejich opravu a výmaz. Více informací o zpracování osobních údajů naleznete v Zásadách na ochranu osobních údajů.